El dolor lumbar es una de las dolencias más comunes que afectan a una gran parte de la población. En Clínica DKF, estamos comprometidos con ofrecer tratamientos innovadores y efectivos para aliviar este tipo de dolencias. Uno de estos tratamientos es la radiofrecuencia lumbar, una técnica avanzada que ha demostrado ser altamente beneficiosa para muchos […]
shock waves
Dr. Karin Freitag talks about shock waves in Diario Médico.
Although shockwaves are increasing their application in the treatment and healing of injuries in our country since a few years ago, is still a little known alternative for many people. Therefore, Dr. Karin Freitag talks about their characteristics, benefits and effectiveness in an article for Diario Médico.
5th SETOC National Congress 2016
Check here to access to the program of the next SETOC National Congress. The Congress will take place in Vigo on 20, 21 and 22 October 2016.
Third SETOC National Congress 2014
The 3rd National Congress SETOC (Sociedad Española de Terapia con Ondas de Choque – Spanish Society of Shockwave Therapy) will be held in Ibiza on 17-18 October 2014 under the presidency of Dr. Karin Freitag. The congress is aimed at doctors specialised in pain, traumatology, rehabilitation, rheumatology, physiotherapists, nursing, urology, dermatology, aesthetics, veterinarians, internists, etc. […]
An effective alternative for the Tendinopathies treatment – Residences Catalogue 2014
Extracorporeal shock waves are an effective and consolidated treatment for treating tendon conditions, whether calcifying or not, which have become chronic and do not respond to other treatments (pharmacological, physiotherapeutic or with infiltrations). The treatment has many advantages, since it does not require any previous preparation and more than 90% of good results are obtained […]